The memory of water
No matter how soft and formless it appears to our eyes: Water constantly surprises those who find it worth the trouble to research it. Now it has also been proven that water stores information.
The discovery of Benveniste
The French immunologist Jaqcues Benveniste (1935–2004) claimed in the 1980s that water has memory. He was head of a French research organization and a specialist in immune cells' allergy response. Experiments he carried out showed that the immune cells responded to water that had been in contact with allergens even though there were no longer traces of the allergens in the water.
The study was submitted to the renowned scientific journal Nature. Benveniste wrote: "Our research shows that we can transmit electromagnetic information to the water. This indicates that biological molecules can emit special radio frequencies. It is via these radio waves that they communicate". Several laboratories Benveniste contacted replicated the studies and found the same.

Challenging the established scientific "truths" can have its price. History shows that scientists who go their own way, rather than follow the easiest path towards status and career, often have to pay the price: ignoring, ridicule and a poor life as a researcher.

Beneviste's sorti
In response to Benveniste's research, the Editor of Nature, John Maddox (1925–2009), brought two magicians to Benveniste's laboratory, men who had built their reputations on exposing tricks and forgeries. With constant additions to Benveniste's protocol, they reached a point where the results could not be replicated. A journalist who was present suggests at some point in the documentary Water´s memory (2014) that the investigation was a trap.
Benveniste received the little-honoured Ig Nobel Prize in Physics (ignoble for ignoble), which is awarded to "stupid" research". The purse for further research was tied up, and Benveniste died in Paris aged 69. He defended his discoveries to the last.
Nobel laureate gives Beneviste compensation
The French researcher and noble prize winner Luc Montagnier (b. 1932) has shown that Benveniste sanynslivis was right. He received his Nobel Prize for the discovery of the HIV virus. Now he has documented that viruses leave a signature in the water they come into contact with. The research is well explained in the documentary that was made in connection with the Nobel Prize. In a double-blind experiment, water with the virus is diluted so many times that there are no longer any physical traces of the virus. At some of the strongest dilutions, a clear signal is recorded on a wave screen. The amazement doesn't stop there.
In Montagnier's experiment, the signal is transformed from analogue to digital and transmitted via the internet to colleagues at a university in Italy. They want to see if they can recreate the virus based on the information in the digital signal. The management at the university states in the documentary that the experiment challenges established science, but chooses to be open when a respected Nobel Prize winner challenges their way of thinking.
New virus recreates in Italy
Professor of theoretical physics Giuseppe Vitiello (b. 1955) at the University of Salerno plays the "melody" from the wave signal from Paris to pure water in a flask. DNA building blocks and the enzyme the body uses to form new DNA molecules - DNA polymerase - are placed in the same water. Normally, this enzyme must have a strand of a DNA to build a specific DNA. The only program offered in this attempt is the electromagnetic signal from Paris.
The DNA still starts to take shape in the test tube.
The most important test remains: is the DNA similar to that originally found in the virus in the Paris laboratory? To the researchers' astonishment, the order of the base pairs in the DNA strand that is formed shows that it matches 98 percent of the virus's DNA. They have succeeded in recreating the virus's DNA based solely on the wave signature the virus left behind in water.

A new view of medicine
Montagnier believes that the new knowledge about water will change medicine completely. Both viruses, bacteria and human cells emit electromagnetic waves. It opens up a new method for finding bacteria and viruses that are otherwise difficult to detect. - The only thing needed is to detect their electromagnetic signals in blood or other body fluids, he says.
The knowledge can also be used for healing. All molecules in the body have their own wave signature. We can amplify signals from enzymes and other molecules we need more of and add these to the body. The signals can be transformed into digital signals and sent wherever they are needed in the world. This is how we can cure many diseases in the future, says Luc Montagnier.
How can water remember?
It is not a good enough explanation for water's "memory" that it is a medium for electromagnetic waves. We already know that waves travel through water. The question is whether these waves stay in the water and leave a lasting memory.
Within materials technology, many hypotheses have emerged that water can act as a computer or memory bank. Advanced computer models and animations have been prepared. The basis is structured water – that water does not only have crystalline qualities in frozen form. Increased understanding of structured water makes the image of water as the universe's biggest computer more likely.

Chemist Marc Henry (b. 1958) is professor of materials science and quantum physics at the University of Strasbourg. He explains water's memory in the following way: "From the research on structured water, we know that the water molecules can form spheres of different geometric configurations. They function as cookies and follow the same principle as a violin case: A resonance box where the vibrations from the violin strings remain stationary and oscillate”.
The energetic effect increases with dilution
When diluting a substance in an aqueous solution in the homeopathic way, the solution is shaken vigorously for each new dilution. In this way, the substance and the wave/frequency it emits come into increasingly better contact with all the water molecules. In one liter of water there are as many as 30 trillion (1018) water molecules. It gives rise to an almost infinite number of cookies. The cookies are by no means static, but highly dynamic. Although the individual water molecules are continuously replaced, thousands of times per second, the structure is maintained. So will the memory that vibrates in the cookies. The phenomenon is based on coherence.

Water in a quantum physical perspective
There are many indications that water behaves coherently, that is to say that the individual water molecules behave as a harmonious whole. This is due to the correspondence in the vibration that spreads in the water. The same happens when light waves oscillate at the same rate and form laser light or when a magnet turns an iron bar into a magnet: all the iron atoms line up and oscillate at the same rate. Physicists call the cookies in the water "the coherent quantum domain". One of the last century's most exceptional scientists, Nikola Tesla (1865–1943), formulated himself as follows: "If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequencies and vibrations."

Quantum physics deals with the smallest constituents of matter, where it is natural to consider physical substance (matter) as energy – as a wave phenomenon. Matter is just different forms of concentrated energy, or energy that vibrates a little slower. Everything is connected, and all particles in the universe affect each other. Our own subject, our consciousness, is a participant. Whoever observes a phenomenon affects the same phenomenon.
In the best-known experiment that confirms this, a storm of electrons is sent towards two slits. On the surface after the slits, a random pattern of collisions will form, when the experiment takes place without anyone watching. If someone follows the course of the electrons towards the collision surface, you will get a different result - then the electrons behave like waves. They form a symmetrical pattern that both overlaps and balances each other on the collision surface.
Several water scientists believe that water is influenced by our consciousness.
Kröplin's water laboratory
Professor Bernard Kröplin (b. 1944) researches water at the University of Stuttgart. On the documentary Water's memories (YouTube), he states that it took some time before they realized that those who carry out the studies affect the water. Kröplin refers to an experiment where four students each take a water sample from the same water container and drip four drops onto a pipette glass. The glass is placed under a microscope for photography, and the photographs show completely different patterns in the water for each student. In the four drops from the same student, however, the patterns are exactly the same.

Kröplin also shows pictures of flowers dipped in water. The patterns reflect the individual flower and differ from flower to flower. He has also demonstrated that saliva from healthy people has a clearer and finer structure than saliva from sick people. It can open up new possibilities in diagnosis, he believes.
Henry Coanda
Like Schauberger, the Romanian Henry Coandă (1886–1925) enjoyed observing nature, including the movements of birds. It helped Coandă develop the first jet airplane in 1910. He won many honors for his scientific inventions. He also studied snowflake crystallization and is the inventor of the first snow cannon. In snow crystals he discovered a fine microcirculation system for water: the purer and more structured the water, the more constant the circulation. Coanda demonstrated that the snow crystals were shaped differently from one geographical region to another. On his many trips to Tibet and the Himalayas, he found many similarities to the snow crystals he studied in his native Romania. They were nevertheless more complex and beautiful. Coandă believed that it was due to the many monasteries and the rich spiritual life in the mountains of these eastern regions.

Emoto's Water Crystals
Best known for his research into the imprint of the human mind on water is the Japanese entrepreneur and photographer Masaru Emoto (1943–2014). He subjected water to various influences before freezing it. In the transition from frozen to liquid water, he took his famous photographs.
Water that "received" loving words, prayer, or classical harmonic music, gave a corresponding expression in the form of pure and beautiful crystalline patterns. Words that expressed hatred and condemnation had the opposite effect. Water from streams in pure nature produced pure and beautiful crystals.

Water samples from polluted river water in the cities gave asymmetrical and "ugly" patterns. When he blessed the polluted water with his prayers, the water was changed from discordant to beautiful crystals. "All people are a walking container of water. Therefore, we must be careful to preserve the good qualities of the heart. Then we create health and not unhealthiness in contact with our fellow human beings," said Emoto.

Time for a new paradigm
The great water pioneers show us that water literally reflects us and our surroundings. It goes deeper than the reflection you see when you look down into clear water. The vibration of other molecules, physical forces such as electricity and magnetism, as well as our mental state – all affect the water for better or worse. The knowledge can have a transformative effect. It could pave the way for a new paradigm in medicine and science.
The existing paradigm is based on a relatively narrow and materialistic understanding of the world. The knowledge of molecules has brought much prosperity, but alone it has limited value. Narrow knowledge of the laws of nature can pose a threat to people and society. We convert the chemical energy in coal, oil and gas into work, heat and electricity. Viktor Schauberger believed that the use of fossil energy sources would lead to the downfall of civilization. He stood for the opposite – implosion – and offered solutions to produce clean energy from water.
We have filled the world's oceans with plastic waste. The waste residues - the microplastics - are now appearing in the food on our dining table. The body's water reservoir is full of synthetic substances. Everything is connected to everything. The world is ripe for a paradigm shift, and the new knowledge about water can contribute to the changes we need to survive as a species.

From religion to everyday life
Water is included in many religious ceremonies, from Christian baptism and the Muslim foot bath to the Hindu and Buddhist ritual praise of water. It is a long leap to our everyday treatment of water. In water pipes from a typical house from the 1960s, there are layers upon layers of deposits. Who knows what kind of life forms thrive best in the old pipes, and what remains in the drinking water. We drink billions of liters of bottled water every year. Does long-term stored water in plastic bottles have the vitality needed to maintain our health?
In the book Sannheten i glasset (2015), Niels Christian Geelmuyden has shown how we have polluted our fresh water sources. But it is not enough just to clean the water. Water research indicates that water is more than a neutral liquid and a solvent. Quality cannot only be measured by the content of physical impurities.
We do not need to have a religious relationship with water, but can still benefit from looking at water with new eyes, which involves a greater understanding and appreciation of water's qualities and life-giving properties. We can learn from Schauberger how water maintains vitality and health in nature and from Emoto that if you smile at the water, it smiles back at you.
1. Magnetic water documentary – water has memory HD.
2. Water memory (Documentary of 2014 about Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier).
3. Water's memories The mystery of water SCiENTiFiC PROOF.
4. Dr Masaru Emoto Hado water crystals full documentary.