Make your own bottled water!
Buying water in plastic bottles is common, and sales are increasing. So does the plastic litter in the sea, which has reached a breaking point for life there. Many people want to get involved in creating a greener planet. Making your own bottled water is something everyone can contribute to.

The city that was first out with a ban
In the small Australian town of Bundanoon, it is almost 10 years since the last bottle of drinking water was sold. It started as a commitment to a company that wanted to use the groundwater in the city as a source for their bottled water. The citizen organized a campaign, and at the same time gained increased knowledge about the environmental problems with bottled water. A referendum in the city thus put an end to water in disposable bottles. From now on, it goes into reusable bottles. Water stations and drinking fountains have been built in the main street and at the local school. In addition, you will be able to fill the bottles for free in all the city's shops on request. An example to follow!
The big cities that follow
The hippie movement flourished in California's most populous city of San Francisco in the 1960s. It was a rebellion against the establishment. Now the authorities are leading a rebellion against the bottled water industry. More and more restrictions against bottled water have come at public events. The mayor was early on in ordering public employees to drink tap water rather than purchased bottled water.
The number of water filling stations in public spaces is increasing every day. Some figures show that it is a sensible policy from the governing authorities.
Approximately 1.5 million tonnes of plastic are used each year to produce water bottles.
3 out of 4 plastic bottles are thrown away immediately after use.
Ten percent of plastic production winds up in the sea.
70% of them find their way to the seabed.
Plastic bottles contain chemicals that are not healthy for living organisms.
The plastic breaks down into microparticles that are taken up by living organisms

When asked if banning water in plastic bottles is realistic, San Francisco's chief architect of the legislation, David Chiu, says: "I want to remind people that not too long ago our world was not dependent on use-and-throw bottles. Before the 1990s, everyone managed to stay hydrated.
In New York, too, the authorities want to reverse the littering trend, and have launched a large-scale anti-bottled water campaign. Tap water is best for the environment is the new message. Today, you have a variety of fantastic reusable water bottles to choose from that won't create the massive waste of plastic.
The whales that woke us up
A pilot whale in Thailand died after swallowing 80 plastic bags. This makes it impossible for the whale to ingest nutritious food. If you have 80 plastic bags in your stomach, you die, said a marine biologist when the news became known.
Norway got its own "plastic whale": a six-metre long goose-beaked whale stranded on Sotra outside Bergen. It was a wake-up call for our national conscience. The whale was so sick that it had to be euthanized. It had no less than 29 plastic bags in its stomach and large amounts of microplastics. The collaborative group "The legacy of the plastic whale" says that the problem with plastic pollution is now so great that it is fatal for life in the sea.
Bottled water is not good environmental policy
A report from Østlandsforskning shows that one liter of bottled water requires 1,500 times more energy than one liter of tap water, and emits 80 times more CO2. According to the Brewery Association, Norwegians drank 133 million liters of bottled water last year. That amounts to over three million miles of driving in CO2 emissions.
Annechen Bugge, researcher at the Norwegian Institute for Consumer Research points out that water, especially tap water, is becoming an increasingly popular drink in the 15 to 24 age group.
- Young people are busy, and fill up the water bottle time and time again with water from the tap.
Making cold water readily available is important. People want to be able to fill their bottles themselves, both at school, the shopping center and the kiosk, she tells Østlandets Blad.
Leader of Grønn Hverdag, Tone Graanas, has said:
- If you buy bottled water, you should fill the bottle with tap water next time. Keep a bottle that can be used several times in the car, in your purse and so on. It is often poor planning and time constraints that make us buy water when we are on the go.
The mountain huts follow, and Gjendesheim Turisthytte was the first out. They have stopped selling pre-bottled bottled water from the factory and are instead focusing on offering guests their own, "untraveled" mountain water. In collaboration with the Norwegian Mountain Center in Lom, the tourist lodge has launched its own drinking bottles. Guests can now buy clean water from the mountain home instead of bottled water that has been transported miles to the mountain. The profit will be lower, but the conscience will be better, it is expressed from that side. Hence the motto "Clean mountain water - clean conscience", writes

Drink your own bottled water from the Norwegian "mountain stream"
We at Crystal Water Group are inspired by the water cycle in nature - how water is refreshed and refined in contact with nature's elements. In the mountain stream, the water flows in eddies that create vortices and it is aerated in falls with lots of bubbles. We are inspired by how this knowledge can be used to optimize the water that comes out of your own kitchen tap with great power and pressure. Take the "mountain stream home", bottle your own clean and fresh bottled water and contribute to a sustainable lifestyle - is our motto.