Crystal Water Group Ltd.
a part of
BOSERUP holding AS
Crystal Water Group Ltd. (London) is owned 56% by Boserup Holding AS (Norway) and 44% by other shareholders and owns 100 % Crystal Water Holding Ltd. (Dubai,DIFC), capitalized with a total number of 32,399,000 shares issued representing a total share capital of USD 32,399,000.
Crystal Water Norway AS is owned 100% by Crystal Water Holding Ltd. (Dubai, DIFC)
Crystal Water Group Ltd. mission is to develop solutions that refine tap water to promote good health and a fresh experience.
Through studies and research, we will increase the knowledge and understanding of how tap water can be structured, vitalized and purified, in order to optimize the water's good qualities.
Crystal Water Group Ltd. will develop products and solutions that are sustainable, both for the household and the environment. With new technology and a user-friendly and stylish design we aim to increase the appreciation of drinking water in the world.